Instant collaborative planner

Create a board, share a link, and start planning instantly.

Features that garner instant collaboration.

Transform how you collaborate. We're good for brainstorming, tutoring, strategizing, e-learning, wireframing and more.

Real-time collaboration
Unlimited users per board
Multi-platform support
Works with Apple Pencil
Easy sharing with room code
Dark mode support
Password protected boards
Import and Export PDFs

Collaborate and ship designs faster

Work on files together in real-time, and  review and get feedback without the back and forth.

Produce more ads without spending more time
Get notified about comments and  status updates
Have one single source of truth for all  design

Build impactful creatives easily

Track all changes made in a glance, add sticky notes and get the best minds on your team to work together.

“Collab helps us to organize our work professionally and effectively”
Robert Mayar  -  Founder of Airbnb

Get access to premium licensed videos, photos and gifs

Access a library of icons, videos, photos and gifs by the best creators in the world in one centralized place for all design needs for your entire team.

Collab is simple, fast and fun

Connect with your team
Collaborate on designs in multiple ways--by commenting, co-working, chatting and jumping on quick huddles.
Build high-converting ads
Use different formats and  pre-built templates, and make marketing creatives without starting from scratch.
Organize and share
Set up folders, manage permissions, vote on creatives and time-box work with Collab.

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